MORAVIAN SERBIA, between reality and legend

On Tuesday, September 20, starting at 7 p.m., the exhibition of the Kruševac National Museum, MORAVIAN SERBIA, between reality and legend, will be opened in the Museum of the Rudnica-Takov Region.

The exhibition and the complete research project allow visitors to learn about the founding of the town of Kruševac in 1371, the construction of the Lazarica church, but also the first years of the establishment of the founder of Kruševac, Lazar Hrebeljanović (1329–1389), through an interactive display.

The exhibition consists of two segments:

KRUŠEVAČKI GRAD (with all the elements of life in it: Moravian architecture, economy in Lazarevo grad, medieval diet, clothing, but also for the first time a professionally treated segment of diseases and health in the Middle Ages).

The second segment of the exhibition is the KOSOVO BATTLE. Preparations for the battle, the Battle of Kosovo, the consequences of the battle, the Battle of Kosovo in historical sources, as well as the assumed course of the battle described on six panels, represent the stages covered in the second segment of the exhibition.

Realized according to museological standards, the exhibition MORAVIAN SERBIA, between reality and legend, through exhibited exhibits, reproductions of correspondence maps, panels and visual material provides an insight into different segments of life in Moravian Serbia.

The exhibition was realized under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia and the City of Kruševac, and on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the founding of the city of Kruševac.

The authors of the exhibition are senior curator historian Sanja Rutić Vorotović and museum adviser Goran Vasić.